litti - the famous dish

Controls the Blood sugar Level
Super Healthy & Tasty
It's a full Meal
Controls Cholesterol
Easy to Digest

Sattu Drink - Salty & Sweet

A very reliable Protein Drink
Improves Bowel Movement
Flushes out Toxins
Helps in weight loss
Act as a coolant in the Body
Good for people with Diabetes

Sattu ke laddoo

Good for Skin
Good for Breakfast
Great source of Energy
Great source of Iron
Easy to Digest

Our Super Foods

Chana Sattu 250g

Chana Sattu 500g

Sattu - The Super Food

Why sattu is called a “super food”?

Well, you must have heard a lot about the immense benefits of so-called ‘super foods’. Do you think that a super food has to be from a foreign origin and should be sold at exorbitant prices?
Certainly not! You will be amazed to know that the food stuffs Indians have been praising since ages are actually the super foods. They are based on the climatic conditions and genetic markup of our body. They are suitable for our digestion and more easily absorbed than foods of foreign origin.
Sattu is the best example of our own Indian foods that can bring incredible benefits to the body. Let’s know some more about this delicious and nutritional food item.

What is Sattu made of ?

IF you go to any of the northern states in India during the scorching summers, then it is impossible that you don’t get a chance to try delicious items made from Sattu.
Though different states have different recipes for making it, the basic ingredients are common. Dry roasted “chana” (chick peas), wheat and barley are finely ground to make a delicious powder which is consumed in several forms to beat the heat.
As far as nutrition scorecard is concerned, sattu stands pretty high in the toppers list. It contains around 65 percent carbohydrates, 20 percent protein, and 8 to 10 percent fats. The remaining 5 percent contains minerals and moisture.
Due to the best-fit blend of nutrients, it is a favorite item in the states of North India. Since it is a dry stuff which is prepared using the roasting and grinding process, it retains all nutrients. Also, the shelf-life is quite long.

What makes it so healthy and yum?

Yes, it is not only very healthy but highly tasty food item. It defies the popular belief that healthy items are not tasty (or vise a versa).
First of all, the ingredients used for making sattu are inherently delicious. Moreover, the dry roasting process gives a special aroma.
It is rich in fiber. Hence, it is very good for digestion. Sattu helps in cleansing the intestines and flushing out toxins.
It cools the body and saves from the ill-effects of summers. It is said that regular consumption of sattu saves from the risk of sunstroke.
Due to a low GI (Glycaemic Index), it releases sugar in a controlled manner, and therefore, it is very good food for diabetic patients.

How can we consume Sattu?

It is consumed in different ways in different states of India. The most popular way is to make a paste in water or milk and add sugar to taste. Some people put salt and lemon juice instead of sugar.
Delicious Sattu Sharbat is made by making the paste of two tablespoons of sattu powder and adding a glass of chilled water to it. Add sugar, salt and lemon juice for taste.
Whether you are overweight or underweight, hyperactive or lazy chap, Sattu is just an ideal food for everyone.


Agrograam Products LLP Pune

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